脳移植(記憶移植)についてBrain transplant (memory transplant)
IEL Salon 英会話講座 レポート8
Article by:未来Miku

2021年 5月08日(土)20:00〜21:00
2021年 5月22日(土)20:00〜21:00
(3)費用等: zoomにて開催。未来Mikuの母が加入している有料オンラインサロン。
Avi Loeb interview: Could ‘Oumuamua be alien technology after all?
【Avi Loebインタビュー。オウムアムアはエイリアンのテクノロジーなのか?】
※脳移植(記憶移植)についてBrain transplant (memory transplant)→HPに発表内容記載
※ドッペルゲンガー(doppelganger)と「他人の空似」について →noteに発表内容記載
★脳移植(記憶移植)についてBrain transplant (memory transplant)★
Humans have been fighting for the fear of death since long ago. With the advancement of medicine, we have been able to live longer, but there is always a limit to the human body, whether it is through illness, injury, or longevity. There is a theory that people have wished that "even if the body disappears, the consciousness lives on forever as the soul", and that is why various beliefs and rituals have been born. This time, I would like to announce that there may come an age when such a wish can be fulfilled in some form through recent advances in medical technology and digital technology.
My focus is on memory transfer.
Memory transfer is a phenomenon in which part of the donor's memory is transferred to the recipient following an organ transplant. Such a phenomenon has not yet been officially recognized by the scientific community. However, there have been movies made about this phenomenon.
It is a fact that some recipients feel that their tastes and personalities have changed, especially after a heart or kidney transplant. This is because recipients are usually prohibited from having direct contact with the donor's family.
クレア・シルヴィア の事例はレシピエントがドナーの家族と直接面談し、記憶転移を実際に体験したと信じるに至った希少な例になります。
The case of Claire Sylvia is a rare example of a recipient who met directly with the donor's family and came to believe that she had actually experienced a memory transfer.
Claire underwent simultaneous heart-lung transplant surgery in 1988 for "primary pulmonary hypertension" (PPH). The only thing she was told was that the donor was an 18-year-old boy from Maine who had died in a motorcycle accident.
その数日後から、彼女は自分の嗜好・性格が手術前と違っていることに気がつきました。 苦手だったピーマンが好物に、またファーストフードが嫌いだったのにフライドチキンのチキンナゲットを好むようになりました。歩き方も男性のようになり、以前は静かだった性格が非常に活動的に変わったそうです。
A few days later, she began to notice that her tastes and personality were different from before the surgery.
He started to like green peppers, which he used to hate, and chicken nuggets of fried chicken, which he used to hate fast food. His gait became more like a man's, and his previously quiet personality changed to a very active one.
Although the transplant coordinator forbade us from contacting the donor's family, we succeeded in contacting the boy's family through an article in a Maine newspaper about a fatal accident that occurred on the same day as the transplant surgery, and we were able to meet them. According to the family, the 18-year-old boy liked bell peppers and chicken nuggets, and had an active personality, working three part-time jobs.
In 1997, Claire Sylvia published a book about her experiences.
「The Remembering Heart: A Heart Transplant Patient's Memoir」
記憶移植が可能な未来を描いた『クリミナル 2人の記憶を持つ男』という作品で主演はケビン・コスナーです。
There is also a movie being made about "memory".
It's called "Criminal: The Man with Two Memories" and stars Kevin Costner.
The content is as follows:
A CIA agent dies during a top-secret mission, but he is the only one who knows the whereabouts of a genius hacker who developed a program to remotely control the US military's nuclear weapons. He had information in his head that was critical to the mission, so he used a medical technology that was still under research to implant his brain memories into the prisoner.
It is said that the highlight of the film is that the prisoner, who was violent and had no manners whatsoever, gradually changes his personality and behavior after being implanted with the memories of a good man, and begins to deal with the incident.
Perhaps what we think of as our soul/consciousness can be digitized, and in the future we may be able to resonate its signals to others. In the near future, "memory implantation" could become a common medical technology. When this happens, there may come a time in the future when death will no longer be a sadness or fear.
IEL Salon(イールサロン)とは?: 人生の理想を形にするビジネスサロンです。(FaceBookグループで活動中) 色々な人の目標や理想を形に出来るようにサポートすることを大きな目的とされています。 コースによって違いはありますが、IT関係の講座をはじめ、今後のグローバル社会に向けてメンバーは英会話講座も受講できます。 ☆EL Salon(イールサロン)主催者:大村小太郎さん <大村小太郎さん>東京都在住。現在は電子書籍出版からビジネスの仕組み作りを構築するコンサルティングなどまでおこなう起業家。以前はSEとして勤務の経験もあり。 ☆<ビビアン先生>カナダ出身。2019年から長野県に在住。日本語は独学でマスター。 講座で取り上げる題材はIT関連・ビジネス・国際問題・海外のトレンドです。